BLOCK I9.05 - 10.50 am
Conference opening
Current issues regarding long-term social and health care in the Slovak Republic. PhDr. Miroslav Cangár, PhD.
From bad laws to good solutions. Where the legislation and perception of social services in Slovakia is shifting. Mgr. Anna Ghannamová
Psychosocial reasons behind the delayed diagnosis of dementia from the perspective of laymen and experts Mgr. Anna Šestáková, PhD.
Four pillars of diagnosis Doc. MUDr. Stanislav Šutovský, PhD.
Speech disorders as a tool for early detection of neurodegenerative diseases Mgr. Petra Brandoburová, PhD.
11.05 am - 12.50 pm
Why is it more suitable to use the adjective "psychosocial" instead of "non-pharmacological" when referring to the approach to the treatment and care for dementia-stricken people? Prof. PhDr. Jana Plichtová, PhD.
Online education platform INDEED (Innovation for dementia). Mgr. Alexandra Palkovič, Mgr. Sabine Gergely
Use of the World Health Organization's WHODAS 2.0 form to assess health status according to the ICF for the Social Insurance Institution. Bc. Ing. Vladislav Babka
"I need you to pick him up." Experience with social support for dementia-stricken persons' loved ones Prof. Kirsten Jæger Fjetland, Doc. PhDr. Miroslava Tokovská, PhD.
Dementia in mentally-disabled people Frode Kibsgaard Larsen
BLOCK III13.50 - 16.00 pm
Multidisciplinary team and the development of an individual plan for a client with Alzheimer's disease Mgr. Lenka Zázrivcová
Social services as a professional activity field of a social worker PhDr. Andrea Kováčová
Empathy in practice Šárka Lahner DGKP, cert. VTI Master
Bridges to the world of dementia Mgr. Mária Wirth, PhD.
Life story versus states of disorientation in dementia - how to effectively identify the needs of a person with dementia - a case study of a client with dementia Mgr. Jana Szeifová
Freelance memory coach Mgr. Zdeněk Gloz
Cognitive training during the pandemic or Let's not let our brains lie idle Mgr. Petra Hirtlová PhD.
Let's be online together - using the online sphere for activation and therapeutic interventions in people with dementia - a case study Mgr. Adriana Tóthová
Conference closing